
Circulation health, Health drinks
Alcoholic liquid
Liver and biliary tract health
Food supplement containing chicory, taurine, glycine, vitamins and other nutrients. Chicory can support digestive and hepatobiliary functions.
Liver and biliary tract health
Food supplement containing chicory, taurine, glycine, vitamins and other nutrients. Chicory promotes healthy liver function and stimulates the gallbladder function. In addition, it supports the digestive process.
Antioxidants, Heart health, Physical health
Taurine supplement, an amino acid involved in numerous metabolic processes in the body, including the synthesis of bile acids.
Quintessence of Tea Tree, Niaouli, and Cajeput
Alcohol-based liquid spray
Tea tree, niaouli and cajeput support the upper respiratory tract function. Niaouli maintains normal drainage of body fluid, healthy urinary tract and joint function. Furthermore, cajuput helps maintain a healthy digestive function.
Gut health
TENAFER with garlic
Walnut fruits, wormwood, pomegranate, mugwort, tarragon, cloves and thyme promote regular gastrointestinal motility and, in combination with garlic, gentian, southernwood, quassia, tansy, genipi, cajeput, Petite and Alps wormwood, support the digestive function. Ferula, grande wormwood, mugwort, tarragon, cloves and thyme also promote gas relief, whereas sea wormwood and vitamin C help support body's natural defence.
Gut health
TENAFER without garlic
Walnut fruits, wormwood, pomegranate, mugwort, tarragon, cloves and thyme promote regular gastrointestinal motility and, in combination with gentian, southernwood, quassia, tansy, genipi, cajeput and Petite and Alps wormwood, they support the digestive function. Ferula, grande wormwood, mugwort, tarragon, cloves and thyme also promote gas relief, whereas sea wormwood and vitamin C help support body's natural defence.
Gut health
Alcohol-based liquid spray
Sea wormwood helps support your body's natural defences. Mugwort, tansy, abrotanum, tarragon, quassia, wormwood, mint, chamomile, garden Angelica, fennel, cinnamon, cloves, thyme, ginger and caraway promote digestive function.
Immune system
Thyme Quintessence
Alcohol-based liquid spray
Thyme promotes the fluidity of bronchial secretions and the well-being of nose and throat. It supports the digestive function while fostering normal gastrointestinal motility and gas elimination. It also exerts a beneficial antioxidant action. 
Liver and biliary tract health
Herbal supplement enriched with vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. Dandelion (or Taraxacum), artichoke and milk thistle promote the body's normal cleansing functions and, in combination with boldo, barberry and rosemary, contribute to keeping normal liver function. Choline contributes to lipid metabolism and helps maintain normal liver function.
TRIPHALA Whole Dry Extract
Triphala is one of the best known and most important Indian Ayurvedic preparations, whose name literally means "three fruits" (tri-phala) as it is made up of the combination of the fruits of three medicinal plants commonly used in India, such as amalaki, bibhitaki and the haritaki, also known as Indian gooseberry, baheda and black myrobalan, or also called the "three myrobalans". Amalaki exerts a tonic-adaptogenic action, supports the body's natural defences, has an antioxidant function, promotes carbohydrate metabolism, contributes to controlling gastric acidity and, combined with bibhitaki and haritaki, promotes liver function. Furthermore, haritaki supports the digestive function and supports a normal sweating process whereas, combinaed with bibhitaki, it improves bowel motility. Finally, bibhitaki contributes to normal lipid metabolism.
Mental health, Sleep health
Food supplement containing papaya, pineapple and other nutrients. In particular, vitamins B3, B6 and magnesium contribute to the nervous system function and maintain normal psychological functions.
Antioxidants, Joint health, Localized tension
TURMERIC titrated extract
Turmeric extract-based supplement. Enriched with ginger and black pepper extracts, which promote digestive function. Ginger also promotes joint function and counteracts common menstrual complaints, whereas black pepper works as an antioxidant.
Antioxidants, Immune system, Joint health, Localized tension
TURMERIC Whole dry extract
Turmeric exerts a very beneficial antioxidant effect, promotes joint function and helps counteract menstrual complaints.
Body weight balance, Thyroid health
Food supplement based on tyrosine, minerals and vitamins. Magnesium, vitamins B1, B3, B6, B12, C and folic acid, combined with vitamin B2, promote the proper functioning of the nervous system, whereas with vitamin B3 and biotin, they contribute to normal psychological function. Vitamin B5 supports mental performance whereas iron, zinc and iodine are useful for maintaining normal cognitive functions. In addition, iodine promotese thyroid hormone production and, combined with selenium, supports healthy thyroid function.
Blood pressure
Food supplement rich in minerals. Potassium contributes to the maintenance of a normal blood pressure, promotes muscle function and, in association with iodine and magnesium, improves the nervous system function.
Men s health
Alcohol-free liquid
Nettle roots support normal prostate function. Its leaves, instead, stimulate the drainage of body fluids and normal function of the urinary tract; they can help the body's natural cleansing process and contribute to the well-being of joints and hair.
Joint health
URICEMIC Control Plus
Ash, devil's claw and wintergreen promote normal joint function. Ash and black mulberry promote the urinary tract function and help drain body fluids. Furthermore, feverfew and ginger help counteract local muscle stiffness and pain.