
Body weight balance
SAZIA FAST for Women
Glucomannan contributes to weight loss* whereas guar gum and carob tree enhance satiety and reduce the absorption of nutrients. Gymnema promotes carbohydrate metabolism and improve lipid metabolism while helping stave off hunger pangs. * The beneficial effect is obtained with a daily intake of 3 g of glucomannan in three doses of 1 g each, with 1-2 glasses of water before meals and in the context of a low-calorie diet..
Physical health
SCHISANDRA Whole Extract
Alcohol-free liquid
Schisandra has a tonic-adaptogenic effect, which helps fight off physical and mental fatigue. Schisandra has an antioxidant activity, promotes liver function and improves upper respiratory tract function.
SELENIUM Olimentovis
Alcohol-free liquid
Selenium promotes healthy hair and nails, protects cells from oxidative stress, contributes to the normal function of the immune system and supports thyroid function. In addition, it supports healthy function of the male reproductive system, promoting normal spermatogenesis.
Immune system
Food supplement containing the extract of shiitake, an edible mushroom widely used in oriental cuisine for its nutritional value. It also supports the body's natural defences.
Mental health, Physical health
ELEUTEROCOCUS Titrated extract
Eleutherococcus or Siberian Ginseng has a tonic-adaptogenic effect, which helps fight off physical and mental fatigue. It also improves memory and cognitive functions and promotes the body's natural barriers.
Elderly health, Mental health, Physical health
Alcohol-free liquid
L’eleuterococco svolge un’azione tonico-adattogena utile per contrastare la stanchezza fisica e mentale. Inoltre, favorisce la memoria e le funzioni cognitive e promuove le naturali difese dell’organismo.
Skin and connective tissue health
SILICON Olimentovis
Alcohol-free liquid
Food supplement containing silicon and equisetum, a plant naturally rich in silicon in organic form. Horsetail promotes drainage of body fluids and helps your urinary tract function optimally. Moreover, it helps maintain healthy connective tissue trophism and is useful for healthy hair and nails. Choline contributes to normal homocysteine and lipid metabolism and supports healthy liver function.
Horsetail and bamboo support healthy hair and nails. Horsetail can also promote the connective tissue trophism, the drainage of body fluids and the urinary tract function. Furthermore, bamboo and knotgrass improve the digestive system function. Enriched with vitamins and minerals for healthy hair (zinc, copper, selenium, biotin) and skin (zinc, copper, iodine, vitamin A, vitamin C and biotin). In particular, vitamin C contributes to the production of collagen necessary for the normal function of bone, cartilage, gums, teeth, and blood vessels.
Body weight balance
Adjuvant in hypocaloric diets for body weight loss.
Detox and seasonal changes
Sarsaparilla Whole Extract
Alcohol-free liquid
Sarsaparilla promotes healthy skin, helps the body's natural cleansing functions and maintains normal joint function.
Sleep health
Melatonin contributes to lessening the time it takes to fall asleep and can help reduce the effects of jet lag.* Withania has a dual function: it promotes relaxation and mental well-being and prevents excessive physical and mental fatigue.** The beneficial effects are observed when taking, just before bedtime: 1 mg of melatonin (sleep); a minimum of 0.5 mg on the first day of travel, continuing for a few days after arrival at destination (jet lag).
Women s health
SOYA Titrated extract
Soy can help you deal with menopause complaints. It can also promote the metabolism of lipids.
Antioxidants, Cholesterol and triglycerides, Immune system, Women s health
SOY Whole extract
Alcohol-free liquid
Soy promotes lipid metabolism.
Respiratory system health, Voice health
Alcohol-free liquid
Gumplant and eucalyptus exert an emollient and soothing effect on the oropharyngeal mucosa while horehound and elecampane promote free fluidity of bronchial secretions. In addition, cherry laurel plays an antioxidant role; German chamomile, lemon balm, passionflower and lavender have a calming effect; Roman chamomile, passionflower and feverfew are useful in combating menstruation complaints.
Women s health
Alcohol-free liquid
Shepherd's purse fights off menstruation symptoms and fosters drainage of body fluids, promoting the urinary tract function.
Spirulina is a seaweed rich in proteins and other nutrients. It proves useful for its beneficial support and restorative action.
Food supplement containing spirulina, minerals and vitamins. Spirulina, a blue-green freshwater algae rich in protein, can help support vital functions in the body and is restorative. Iron promotes haemoglobin synthesis, oxygen transport in body tissues and, combined with vitamin B2, B6 and B12, improves maintenance of red blood cells. In addition, copper contributes to the normal transport of iron in the body, vitamin A is involved in the proper ron metabolism and folic acid supports haematopoiesis, i.e. formation and development of blood cells. Useful for supplementing food in case of nutritional deficiencies or in conjunction with restrictive diets, such as vegetarian or vegan diets.
Stress and Relaxation
Hypericum or St. John's wort and lemon balm contribute to maintaining normal mood, promote mental well-being and, combined with passionflower, stimulate relaxation.