
Respiratory system health
Alcohol-free liquid
Licorice and thyme support your nose and throat health and, combined chestnut, sundew, climbing ivy, corn poppy and pansy can maintain normal fluidity of bronchial secretions. Marshmallow supports proper function of the mucous membranes lining the respiratory tract. Gumplant and corn poppy promote the upper respiratory tract function; combined with eucalyptus, gumplant has a beneficial balsamic effect and, with sundew, it has an emollient and soothing action on the oropharyngeal mucosa and on the vocal chords.
Mental health
Food supplement containing phenylalanine, minerals, vitamins and other nutrients. In particular, vitamins B1, B3, B6, B12, C and biotin contribute to normal functioning of the nervous system and, with folic acid, support healthy mental function. Iron and iodine, combined with zinc, have proved useful for the maintenance of cognitive function, whereas with manganese and copper, they contribute to normal energy metabolism.
Plant-based supplement fortified with amino acids and alkalising minerals. Emblic supports gastric acid control; common condorvine, gentian, licorice, chamomile, fennel, cardamom, caraway, common centaury, cloves, lemon balm, sage and ginger maintain normal digestive function. In addition, cabbage and chamomile have an emollient and soothing effect on the digestive system.
PHOSPHORUS Olimentovis
Alcohol-free liquid
Phosphorus promotes bone tissue trophism, maintaining healthy bones and teeth. It also contributes to the normal function of cell membranes and supports energy metabolism.
Cholesterol and triglycerides, Men s health
Food supplement containing phytosterols or plant sterols, herbs, vitamins and other nutrients. Phytosterols contribute to maintaining normal levels of cholesterol in the blood*. Particularly rich in: chromium, which contributes to the metabolism of macronutrients and to keeping normal blood glucose levels; selenium, which contributes to normal thyroid function and spermatogenesis; vitamin B6, which helps regulate hormonal activity. * The beneficial effects can be obtained with a daily intake of at least 0.8 g of plant sterols.
Nose and throat
PIMIENTO Quintessence
Alcohol-based liquid spray
Digestive function. Gastrointestinal motility regulation and gas elimination. Relaxation and mental well-being.
Urinary tract health
Maritime pine, mugo pine and Scots pine exert a balsamic effect, promoting healthy nose and throat. Fennel promotes smooth flow of bronchial secretions whereas nutmeg supports the health and nourishment of mucous membranes. In addition, nutmeg and rosemary have an antioxidant action and, combined with vitamin E, help counteract oxidative stress.
Nose and throat
Pine Quintessence
Alcohol-based liquid spray
Balsamic effect useful for the well-being of nose and throat.
Food supplement useful as adjuvant to a low-calorie formula diet for body weight loss. Pineapple reduces the unsightly skin effects of cellulite and, combined with grapefruit, promotes drainage of body fluids. Pineapple can also improve microcirculation and relieve the feeling of heaviness in the legs. Calcium, phosphorus and vitamins B3, B5 and B6 contribute to normal energy metabolism.
PINEAPPLE Titrated extract
Pineapple promotes the drainage of body fluids and counteract cellulite blemishes. It also supports digestion and helps microcirculation, reducing the heavy leg symptom.
PINEAPPLE Whole Extract
Alcohol-free liquid
Pineapple counteracts cellulite, promotes microcirculation, improves digestion, helps drain body fluids and reduces the feeling of heavy legs.
Urinary tract health
Alcohol-free liquid
Pellitory, white birch, buchu, nettle, couch grass, cleavers, horsetail, corn and goldenrod help maintain normal urinary tract functions and support body fluid drainage. Moreover, pellitory, white birch, nettle, cleavers (or goosegrass) and scurvy grass help keep normal body's cleansing functions.
Urinary tract health
Pellitory, white birch, buchu, nettle, couch grass, cleavers, horsetail, corn and goldenrod help maintain normal urinary tract functions and support body fluid drainage. Moreover, pellitory, white birch, nettle, cleavers (or goosegrass) and scurvy grass help keep normal body's cleansing functions.
Body temperature
Alcohol-free liquid
Astragalus, baptisia and acerola support the body's natural defences. Chinchona and elder regulate perspiration and feverfew counteracts local muscle and joint stiffness. In addition, baptisia maintain healthy nose and throat, whereas chiretta and elderberry support upper respiratory tract functions. It contains a high level of vitamin C, useful for normal immune system function.
Body temperature
Astragalus, baptisia and acerola support the body's natural defences. Chinchona and elder regulate perspiration and feverfew counteracts local muscle and joint stiffness. In addition, baptisia maintain healthy nose and throat, whereas chiretta and elderberry support upper respiratory tract functions. It contains a high level of vitamin C, useful for normal immune system function.
Gut health
Senna and Roman chamomile promote regular intestinal transit. Fennel and green anise help maintain normal bowel movements and, in combination with gentian and Roman chamomile, support digestive function and intestinal gas removal.
Skin and connective tissue health
POT MARIGOLD Whole Extrakt
Alcohol-free liquid
Calendula, or Pot Marigold, promotes skin trophism and health, performs an emollient and soothing action on the oropharyngeal mucosa improving vocal tone, counteracts menstruation complaints and helps keep your digestive system healthy.
Food supplement based on potassium ascorbate, an alkaline and non-acid form of vitamin C, enriched with ribose. Vitamin C has many properties: it supports energy metabolism preventing tiredness and fatigue; it protects cells from oxidative stress and regenerates the reduced form of vitamin E; it contributes to normal immune system function, healthy nervous system and psychological functions; it supports collagen formation and helps maintain normal function of blood vessels, bones, cartilage, skin, teeth and gums; it supports iron absorption.