
Blood pressure, Gut health
Garlic supports normal cardiovascular function, maintaining healthy blood pressure levels. It also has an antioxidant activity and promotes triglyceride and cholesterol metabolism.
Blood pressure, Gut health
GARLIC Titrated extract
Garlic supports your natural cardiovascular function while maintaining healthy blood pressure levels. It also exerts an antioxidant action and promotes the metabolism of triglycerides and cholesterol.
Alcohol-free liquid
Fennel helps maintain normal digestion, regulates gastrointestinal motility and supports intestinal gas elimination. Furthermore, it contributes to draining body fluids and keeps normal fluidity of bronchial secretions.
Elderly health, Women s health
Alcohol-free liquid
Food supplement made from glycerine macerate of fresh meristematic tissues, high in vitamins that all contribute to normal energy metabolism. In particular, vitamins B6, B12, and C support normal function of the immune system, and, along with vitamins B3 and B5, reduce tiredness and fatigue. Vitamin B3 contributes to the maintenance of normal skin, and vitamin B6 is involved in the regulation of hormonal activity. Furthermore, biotin contributes to the maintenance of hair health, while vitamin C protects cells from oxidative stress and promotes collagen formation, helping to maintain the normal functions of blood vessels, bones, cartilage, skin, teeth, and gums.
GENTIAN Whole Extract
Alcohol-free liquid
Gentian promotes intestinal gas elimination and supports liver and digestive function.
GINGER Quintessence
Alcohol-based liquid spray
Ginger has a digestive and anti-nausea activity, normalises gastrointestinal motility and gas relief, promotes healthy function of the cardiovascular system and normal blood circulation. Furthermore, it supports joint function and counteracts localized muscle stiffness and menstrual disorders.
Digestion, Nausea
GINGER Titrated extract
Ginger extract exerts anti-nausea effects and promotes the digestive function. It also normalises bowel movements improving gas relief, supports joint function counteracting local stiffness and pain, promotes cardiovascular health and improves blood circulation.
Digestion, Nausea
GINGER Whole extract
Alcohol-free liquid
Ginger extract exerts anti-nausea effects and promotes the digestive function. It also normalises bowel movements improving gas relief, supports joint function counteracting local stiffness and pain, promotes cardiovascular health and improves blood circulation.
Mental health
GINKGO BILOBA Titrated extract
Ginkgo biloba helps maintain healthy memory and cognitive functions. It also has a beneficial antioxidant action, supports normal functioning of the circulatory system and improves microcirculation.
Circulation health, Elderly health, Mental health
Alcohol-free liquid
Ginkgo biloba promotes memory and cognitive functions, carries out a beneficial antioxidant action and enhances normal blood circulation and microcirculatory function.
Physical health
GINSENG Titrated extract
Ginseng has a tonic-adaptogenic effect, which helps fight off physical and mental fatigue. In addition, it exerts antioxidant effects and promotes carbohydrate metabolism.
Elderly health, Physical health
GINSENG Whole Extract
Alcohol-free liquid
Ginseng has a tonic-adaptogenic action useful for counteracting physical and mental fatigue, promotes carbohydrate metabolism and has a beneficial, antioxidant effect.
Body weight balance
Food supplement useful as adjuvant to a low-calorie formula diet for body weight loss. Glucomannan contributes to weight loss* and contributes to maintaining normal levels of cholesterol in the blood.** Phosphorus, vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, C and biotin promote energy metabolism. Beneficial effects obtainable with a daily intake of: * 3 g (in 3 doses of 1 g) / ** 4 g of glucomannan.
Glucomannan contributes to weight loss * and is useful as an adjuvant to low-calorie diets. In addition, it can contribute to maintaining normal blood cholesterol levels**.Beneficial effects achievable, according to the indicated usage methods, with the intake of: *at least 3 g of glucomannan per day in three doses of 1 g each within the context of a hypocaloric diet. **4 g of glucomannan per day.
Physical health
Food supplement made from glutamine, minerals and vitamins useful for supplementing the athlete's diet. Glutamine is an amino acid and as such is included in the composition of proteins. Proteins contribute to the growth and maintenance of muscle mass. Moreover, iron and vitamins B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, C and folic acid contribute to reducing tiredness and fatigue.
Glutathione and selenium supplement. Selenium, in particular, contributes to protecting cells from oxidative stress, supports normal thyroid function and the immune system, promotes normal spermatogenesis and helps maintain healthy nails and hair.
Detox and seasonal changes, Liver and biliary tract health
Food supplement containing glutathione, herbs, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. Artichoke, milk thistle and dandelion can support the body's natural cleansing functions and, in combination with boldus and choline, contribute to maintaining normal liver function. Zinc, manganese, copper, selenium and vitamins B2, C and E protect cells from oxidative stress.
Urinary tract health
Goldenrod Whole Extract
Alcohol-free liquid
Goldenrod promotes drainage of bodily fluids, supports urinary tract function, and helps maintain the health of the upper respiratory tract.