
Detox and seasonal changes, Skin and connective tissue health
G10+ PLANE TREE (Platanus orientalis)
Alcohol-free liquid
Elderly health, Liver and biliary tract health, Men s health, Women s health
G10+ ROSEMARY (Rosmarinus officinalis)
Alcohol-free liquid
Elderly health, Men s health, Women s health
G10+ SEQUOIA or GIANT REDWOOD (Sequoia gigantea)
Alcohol-free liquid
Redwood (sequoia) buds promote prostate function and exert a tonic action which can prevent physical and mental fatigue.
Bone and teeth health, Child health
G10+ SILVER FIR (Abies pectinata)
Alcohol-free liquid
Silver fir buds have a balsamic effect, promote body fluid drainage and support the urinary tract function.
Sleep health, Stress and Relaxation, Thyroid health
G10+ SILVER LINDEN (Tilia tormentosa)
Alcohol-free liquid
Elderly health, Immune system, Skin and connective tissue health
G10+ WALNUT (Juglans regia)
Alcohol-free liquid
Bone and teeth health, Detox and seasonal changes
G10+ WHITE BIRCH (Betulla pubescenes) buds
Alcohol-free liquid
Mental health
GABA - pure
Alcohol-free liquid
GABA or gamma-aminobutyric acid supplement, useful if you intend to increase the intake of this nutrient in your diet.
Sulphur amino acid supplement, indicated in case you want to increase the intake of those nutrients in your diet.
Body weight balance
GARCINIA CAMBOGIA titrated extract
Food supplement containing the extract of malabar tamarind (garcinia cambogia), a rich source of hydroxycitric acid.
Respiratory system health
Alcohol-free liquid
Garden Angelica improves the fluidity of bronchial secretions, promotes digestion and helps regulate gastrointestinal motility. It can also improve abdominal gas relief.