
Alcohol-free liquid
Moringa oleifera (or drumstick tree) promotes digestive function, supports lipid metabolism and contributes to maintaining body weight balance. It also promotes the fluidity of bronchial secretions, supports normal perspiration and healthy blood circulation.
Respiratory system health
CONEFLOWER Titrated extract
Coneflower helps the body's natural defences and promotes the upper respiratory tract function. Furthermore, it supports the urinary tract function.
Respiratory system health, Voice health
CONEFLOWER Whole Extract
Alcohol-free liquid
The three echinacea species help the body's natural defences and promote proper functioning of the upper respiratory tract. Furthermore, narrow-leaved echinacea and purple echinacea support normal functioning of the urinary tract whereas pale echinacea has a beneficial antioxidant effect.
Skin and connective tissue health
Food supplement containing collagen, hyaluronic acid, vitamins and other nutrients. Vitamin C promotes collagen formation which is important for the normal function of skin, cartilage, bones, teeth and gums. Manganese contributes to connective tissue formation, whereas zinc, iodine combined with vitamins A, B2, B3, C and biotin help make your skin healthy and glowing. Moreover, zinc, manganese, copper, selenium and vitamins B2, C and E contribute to protecting cells from oxidative stress.
ELDERBERRY Whole extract
Alcohol-free liquid
Elder helps the fluidity of bronchial secretions and the upper respiratory tract function. It supports the regularity of the sweating process and aids the drainage of body fluids.
Respiratory system health
ELECAMPANE Whole Extract
Alcohol-free liquid
Elecampane has a beneficial action on the respiratory tract while improving the fluidity of bronchial secretions. It also fosters digestion and improves digestive gas elimination.
Physical health
Creatine supplement containing minerals, vitamins and other nutrients, meant for adults engaged in intense exercise. Creatine increases physical performance in case of repetitive, high-intensity, short-duration exercise*. Rhodiola or golden root, eleutherococcus or Siberian ginseng, ginseng and astragalus exert an adaptogenic tonic effect. Furthermore, ginseng and golden root, with magnesium, vitamins B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, C and folic acid, may combat tiredness and excessive fatigue. * The beneficial effect can be obtained with a daily intake of 3 g of creatine.
Elderly health, Physical health
Food supplement containing amino acids, minerals and vitamins. Magnesium, iron and vitamins B2, B3, B5, B6, B12 and C help reduce tiredness and fatigue and, combined with calcium, phosphorus, manganese, copper, iodine, vitamin B1 and biotin, promote energy metabolism. Chromium, on the other hand, contributes to the metabolism of macronutrients. Potassium, magnesium and copper promote proper functioning of the nervous system whereas zinc, iron and iodine stimulate cognitive function. Zinc, manganese, copper, selenium and vitamins B2, C and E help protect cells from oxidative stress.
Urinary tract health
Alcohol-free liquid
Nettle supports the urinary tract function and the drainage of body fluids, promoting the body's natural cleansing process. It also contributes to healthy nails and hair, while valerian promotes relaxation and sleep in case of stress. Finally, vitamin E contributes to protecting cells from oxidative stress.
Herbal-based food supplement with plant-based digestive enzymes.. Green and star anise, fennel, cinnamon, gentian, pineapple and papaya can help maintain normal digestive function. In addition, green and star anise, cinnamon and fennel support regular gastrointestinal motility and, in combination with gentian, promote normal gas relief.
Digestion, Liver and biliary tract health
Alcohol-free liquid
Fumitory maintains normal body's cleansing functions, promoting digestive and hepatobiliary functions. It also helps keep your skin healthy encouraging its normal trophism and function.
Liver and biliary tract health
Alcohol-free liquid
Dandelion, boldo, artichoke, barberry, rosemary and gentian support normal liver function. Horehound, elecampane and hops maintain normal digestive function, whereas yellow dock, smilax and burdock support the body's natural cleansing functions.
Liver and biliary tract health
Alcoholic liquid
Dandelion, boldo, artichoke, barberry, rosemary and gentian support normal liver function. Horehound, elecampane, hops and walnut maintain normal digestive function, whereas yellow dock, smilax and burdock support the body's natural cleansing functions.
Nail health, Skin and connective tissue health
HORSETAIL Titrated extract
Equisetum or horsetail promotes hair and nail health, stimulating the connective tissue trophism. It also supports the drainage of body fluids and contributes to an optimally-functioning urinary tract system.
Nail health, Skin and connective tissue health
HORSETAIL Whole Extract
Alcohol-free liquid
Horsetail improves healthy nails and hair, promotes connective tissue trophism, drainage of body fluids and a properly functioning urinary tract.
Women s health
Food supplement based on folic acid and lady's mantle. For women of childbearing age, in anticipation of a pregnancy, supplemental intake of folic acid is useful for increasing maternal folate levels, which, if low, are a risk factor for the development of neural tube defects in the foetus*; it also contributes to the growth of maternal tissues. More generally, folic acid takes part in the process of cell division, helps strengthen the immune system, reduce tiredness and fatigue and maintain normal psychological function. Furthermore, it is involved in the synthesis of amino acids, in homocysteine metabolism ??and in haematopoiesis, i.e. the formation and maturation of all blood cells. *A beneficial effect can be obtained with the daily intake of 400 mcg of folic acid, to be started at least one month before and up to three months after conception.
Gut health
Agar-agar, alder buckthorn, marshmallow, cinnamon and cascara or sacred bark support normal bowel movements. Agar-agar can normalise the compactness and volume of faecal material, marshmallow and fenugreek perform an emollient and soothing action, which help maintain digestive system health. Ginger, dill, green anise, fennel and garden Angelica normalise gastrointestinal motility and gas relief; combined with alder buckthorn, fenugreek, cascara and cinnamon, they are also useful for maintaining normal digestive function.
Respiratory system health
EUCALYPTUS Quintessence
Alcohol-based liquid spray
Eucalyptus boasts balsamic properties, has an emollient and soothing effect on oropharyngeal mucosa and maintains a healthy voice.