
Detox and seasonal changes
Sarsaparilla, burdock and fumitory help maintain healthy skin and, in combination with milk thistle, couch grass, dandelion, cleavers, artichoke and yellow dock, support the body's cleansing functions. In addition, corn, chicory, cleavers, horseradish and fennel support the drainage of body fluid whereas milk thistle, dandelion and chicory support liver function.
Detox and seasonal changes
Food supplement containing amino acids, glutathione, selenium, and vitamins. In particular, selenium, vitamin C and vitamin E help protect cells from oxidative stress.
Joint health
DEVIL'S CLAW Titrated extract
Devil's claw can promote healthy joint function and helps keep normal digestive system.
Elderly health, Joint health
DEVIL'S CLAW Whole extract
Alcohol-free liquid
Devil's claw is useful for promoting joint function and improving digestion.
Gut health
Catechu exerts an astringent effect and, combined with gall-nut, oak, common tormentil, agrimony, snakeweed, rhatany, fragrant sumac and blueberry fruits, is useful in regulating intestinal transit. In addition, catechu has an emollient and soothing effect on the digestive system and, thanks to its prebiotic properties, it can, in combination with probiotic lactic acid bacteria, help keep a healthy and balanced intestinal flora. Gall nut and oak help keep your mucous membranes healthy and properly nourished whereas agrimony, snakeweed and myrrh support the digestive system function.
Localized tension
Food supplement made from herbs, minerals, vitamins, and other nutrients. Feverfew alleviates localized tension and, in combination with skullcap, supports joint function. Furthermore, skullcap, combined with vitamin C, promote the body's natural defences. Finally, vitamins B2, B6 and B12 contribute to the normal functioning of the nervous system and, with folic acid, help reduce tiredness and fatigue.
Alcohol-free liquid
Food supplement containing a special blend of 29 herbs that can support digestion. Furthermore, calumb, horehound, cinnamon, chamomile, star anise, green anise, fennel, cardamom, cloves, coriander, lesser galanga, lemon balm, mugwort, garden angelica, wood angelica, peppermint, ginger, artichoke and wormwood promote elimination of intestinal gas.
Alcoholic liquid
Food supplement containing a special blend of 29 herbs that can support digestion. Furthermore, calumb, horehound, cinnamon, chamomile, star anise, green anise, fennel, cardamom, cloves, coriander, lesser galanga, lemon balm, mugwort, garden angelica, wood angelica, peppermint, ginger, artichoke and wormwood promote elimination of intestinal gas.
Circulation health
Citrus-derived diosmin supplement, useful in case you intend to increase the intake of this precious flavonoid in the diet.
Urinary tract health
Alcohol-free liquid
Corn, horsetail, asparagus, pellitory, parsley, goldenrod and heather can support urinary tract function and, in combination with restharrow and fennel, maintain normal drainage of body fluid. In addition, asparagus and pellitory facilitate the body's internal cleansing functions.
Urinary tract health
Corn, horsetail, asparagus, pellitory, parsley, goldenrod and heather can support urinary tract function and, in combination with restharrow and fennel, maintain normal drainage of body fluid. In addition, asparagus and pellitory facilitate the body's internal cleansing functions.
Immune system
DOG ROSE Whole extract
Alcohol-free liquid
Dog rose can perform a support and reinvigorating action, is naturally rich in vitamin C, which has many properties: it promotes energy metabolism, reducing tiredness and fatigue; protects cells from oxidative stress and regenerates the reduced form of vitamin E; contributes to normal function of the immune system, the nervous system and the psychological function and promotes collagen production, helping maintain normal function of lood vessels, bones, cartilage, skin, teeth and gums; increases iron absorption.
Immune system
DOG ROSE whole titrated extract
Dog-rose can perform a support and reinvigorating action, is naturally rich in vitamin C, which has many properties: it promotes energy metabolism, reducing tiredness and fatigue; protects cells from oxidative stress and regenerates the reduced form of vitamin E; contributes to normal function of the immune system, the nervous system and the psychological function. It also supports collagen formation while helping maintain normal function of blood vessels, bones, cartilage, skin, teeth and gums; it increases iron absorption.
Women s health
Plant-based food supplement fortified with minerals and vitamins. Black cohosh, lovage and ginger counteract menstrual cycle symptoms, while red clover, sage, black cohosh and soy are helpful in relieving menopause complaints. Vitamins B6 and B12 promote the formation of red blood cells and, along with vitamin B2, which helps maintain their integrity, support the action of iron, which contributes to haemoglobin synthesis in red blood cells and to the transportation of oxygen around the body. This action is also supported by the presence of folic acid that, while promoting hematopoiesis, facilitates the synthesis of all blood cells. Manganese, zinc and vitamin C may also contribute to the maintenance of normal bones.
Women s health
Chaste tree, dong quai, ginger and marigold help counteract menstrual complaints; combined with wild yam and black cohosh, they contribute to reducing menopause symptoms, also alleviated by sage, soy isoflavones and red clove. In addition, hops has a calming and relaxing effect in case of stress.
Women s health
Alcohol-free liquid
Dong quai is used for relieving menopausal symptoms and menstrual cramps. It also helps maintain normal blood circulation and promotes the digestive function.
Sleep health
Food supplement containing tryptophan, herbs and other nutrients. Vitamins B3, B6 and magnesium contribute to the nervous system function and maintain normal psychological functions.
Detox and seasonal changes, Urinary tract health
Alcohol-free liquid
Birch promotes the drainage of body fluids, keeps normal urinary tract function and improves body's cleansing functions.