
Immune system
Food supplement containing the extract of cordyceps, a mushroom originally used in traditional Tibetan and Chinese medidicine for its many properties: it promotes the upper respiratory tract function, improves the body's natural defences and exerts a tonic and metabolic support action.
Heart health
Alcohol-free liquid
Herbal food supplement fortified with carnitine, minerals and vitamins. Hawthorn, red grapevine, rosemary and ginger maintain normal cardiovascular system’s function whereas passionflower and valerian support relaxation in case of stress. In addition, Vitamin B1 contributes to keeping normal cardiac function.
Urinary tract health
COUCHGRASS Whole Extract
Alcohol-free liquid
Couch grass supports the urinary tract function and the drainage of body fluids, promoting the body's natural cleansing process.
Respiratory system health
Alcohol-free liquid
Gum plant (or grindelia) has a beneficial balsamic effect and, combined with hedge mustard, carries out an emollient and soothing action that helps you maintain healthy oropharyngeal mucous membranes and voice. Fennel, promoting the fluidity of the bronchial secretions, supports the beneficial action of gum plant and hedge mustard on the upper respiratory tract. Dog-rose, thanks to its high Vitamin C content, is useful in boosting and maintaining the body's immune system.
Physical health
Supplement containing creatine, suitable for enhancing sporting performance, with addition of minerals, vitamins and other nutrients. Creatine increases physical performance in case of repetitive, high-intensity, short-duration exercise*. Moreover, calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, B-group vitamins and vitamin C promote energy metabolism helping counteract tiredness and fatigue. * The beneficial effect can be obtained with a daily intake of at least 3 g of creatine.
Immune system
Broccoli, cauliflower, and all types of cabbage used for the preparation of the extract exert antioxidant action, promote normal cardiovascular system function, support digestive function, and contribute to maintaining normal joint function.
Women s health
CUMIN Quintessence
Alcohol-based liquid spray
Promotes the digestive function, elimination of gas and regular gastrointestinal motility. Relieves menstruation symptoms.
Nose and throat
CURRY PLANT Whole Extract
Alcohol-free liquid
Curry plant has a balm-like effect useful for healthy nose and throat, promotes microcirculation and improves digestion and liver function.
Respiratory system health
Cypress Quintessence
Alcohol-based liquid spray
Cypress helps maintain the fluidity of bronchial secretions and supports the digestive and hepatic function.
Antioxidants, Detox and seasonal changes, Skin and connective tissue health
Sulphur amino acid supplement, recommended if you want to increase the intake of those nutrients in your diet. Containing selenium, useful for preventing oxidative stress and maintaining healthy hair and nails.
Urinary tract health
Bearberry, buchu, golden rod, couchgrass, pellitory, cleavers, corn, white birch and gallium support body fluid drainage and the urinary tract function. Marshmallow, mallow and restharrow exert an emollient and soothing action on the urinary tract whereas coneflower and vitamin C support the body's natural barriers.
Bone and teeth health, Women s health
Alcoholic liquid
Vitamin D spray supplement with vitamins E, K and boron. Vitamin D contributes to normal absorption of calcium and phosphorus, muscle function, healthy teeth, the cell division process and the immune system function. With vitamin K, it promotes bone health. Furthermore, vitamin K supports normal blood clotting whereas vitamin E contributes to protecting cells from oxidative stress.
Men s health
Damiana and muira puama exert a tonic action helpful in counteracting physical and mental fatigue.
Men s health
DAMIANA Whole Extract
Alcohol-free liquid
Damiana has a tonic effect, which can help you combat physical and mental fatigue, promotes digestion and improves drainage of body liquids and the urinary tract function.
Liver and biliary tract health
DANDELION Whole extract
Dandelion supports the body's natural detox process and liver function. It also promotes the drainage of body fluids and improves digestion.
Liver and biliary tract health
DANDELION Whole Extract
Alcohol-free liquid
Dandelion roots support the body's natural detoxification functions, promote digestive and liver function and improve bowel movements. Moreover, its leaves promote normal urinary tract function and, combined with the roots, stimulate body fluid drainage.
Licorice promotes the fluidity of bronchial secretions as well as nose and throat health, supports the digestive system function and helps maintain normal joint function.
Detox and seasonal changes
Alcohol-free liquid
Sarsaparilla, burdock and fumitory help maintain skin health and, in combination with milk thistle, couch grass, dandelion, cleavers, artichoke and yellow dock, support the body's cleansing functions. In addition, corn, chicory, cleavers, horseradish and fennel support the drainage of body fluid whereas milk thistle, dandelion and chicory support liver function.