Whole extracts

Extracts of medicinal plants with unique effectiveness, thanks to the extraction process used, which preserves all the active and nutritional constituents of the plants (phytocomplex).

The Giorgini Dr. Martino whole extracts are an exclusive product of the Vis Medicatrix Naturae company.  In addition to being used in composite products, they constitute a Line (alcohol-free Whole Liquid Extracts - W.L.E. - and Whole Dry Extracts - W.D.E. ) of about 100 individual plants; each product in the Line is alcohol-free and highly concentrated.

Stress and Relaxation
Alcohol-free liquid
Passionflower promotes sleep and relaxation in case of stress and fosters mental wellness. In addition, it helps maintain regular gastrointestinal motility and reduces bloating.
Urinary tract health
PELLITORY Whole Extract
Alcohol-free liquid
Pellitory promotes the drainage of body fluids, ensures normal functioning of the urinary tract and supports the body's natural cleansing functions.
PEPPERMINT whole extract
Alcohol-free liquid
Peppermint can improve digestion problems and liver function, promotes normal gastrointestinal motility and gas elimination. It also supports healthy upper respiratory tract function.
PINEAPPLE Whole Extract
Alcohol-free liquid
Pineapple counteracts cellulite, promotes microcirculation, improves digestion, helps drain body fluids and reduces the feeling of heavy legs.
Skin and connective tissue health
POT MARIGOLD Whole Extrakt
Alcohol-free liquid
Calendula, or Pot Marigold, promotes skin trophism and health, performs an emollient and soothing action on the oropharyngeal mucosa improving vocal tone, counteracts menstruation complaints and helps keep your digestive system healthy.
Immune system
PROPOLIS Whole Extract
Alcohol-free liquid
Propolis is a resinous substance that bees collect from tree bark and buds It is a plant-based complex substance, which is elaborated by the bees with the addition of wax, pollen and enzymes. It is composed of many different substances, mainly resins, waxes, fatty acids, essential oils, organic compounds and minerals.
Circulation health
Alcohol-free liquid
Red hot chili pepper promotes normal blood circulation and the cardiovascular system function. It has a beneficial antioxidant action, stimulates metabolism and promotes digestion and elimination of intestinal gas.
Elderly health, Mental health
GOLDEN ROOT whole extract
Alcohol-free liquid
Golden root promotes normal mood tone and carries out a tonic-adaptogenic action, which can help counteract physical and mental fatigue.
Gut health
RHUBARB Whole Extract
Alcohol-free liquid
Rhubarb can promote regularity of the intestinal transit and improve digestion.
Liver and biliary tract health
ROSEMARY Whole Extract
Alcohol-free liquid
Rosemary promotes liver function and digestion, improves gastrointestinal motility and gas relief, supports normal function of the cardiovascular system and has a beneficial antioxidant action.
Women s health
SAGE Whole Extract
Alcohol-free liquid
Sage helps reduce menopause symptoms and maintains a normal sweating process. In addition, it supports digestion and intestinal gas relief, maintains healthy nose and throat, has a beneficial antioxidant effect and acts as a tonic to reduce physical and mental fatigue.
Physical health
SCHISANDRA Whole Extract
Alcohol-free liquid
Schisandra has a tonic-adaptogenic effect, which helps fight off physical and mental fatigue. Schisandra has an antioxidant activity, promotes liver function and improves upper respiratory tract function.
Elderly health, Mental health, Physical health
Alcohol-free liquid
L’eleuterococco svolge un’azione tonico-adattogena utile per contrastare la stanchezza fisica e mentale. Inoltre, favorisce la memoria e le funzioni cognitive e promuove le naturali difese dell’organismo.
Detox and seasonal changes
Sarsaparilla Whole Extract
Alcohol-free liquid
Sarsaparilla promotes healthy skin, helps the body's natural cleansing functions and maintains normal joint function.
Antioxidants, Cholesterol and triglycerides, Immune system, Women s health
SOY Whole extract
Alcohol-free liquid
Soy promotes lipid metabolism.
Women s health
Alcohol-free liquid
Shepherd's purse fights off menstruation symptoms and fosters drainage of body fluids, promoting the urinary tract function.
Physical health
SUMA Whole Extract
Alcohol-free liquid
Suma or Brasilian ginseng has a tonic-adaptogenic action, which can counteract physical and mental fatigue, promotes carbohydrate metabolism and exerts a beneficial, antioxidant effect.
Voice health
SUNDEW Whole Extract
Alcohol-free liquid
Sundew promotes the fluidity of bronchial secretions and has an emollient and soothing action useful for maintaining healthy oropharyngeal mucous membranes and normal voice.