Gold Line

Complete formula supplements, specific for distinct action areas. Their uniqueness is the result of the study of the body's different metabolic pathways and the consequent correct use of the precursors, vitamins, and minerals essential for the proper functioning of the enzymes involved.

They boast a unique efficacy and ensure a rapid response in terms of well-being, thanks to the synergistic action of the various ingredients and their concentration. The whole extracts used are produced in-house by means of a method devised by Dr. Martino Giorgini, under vacuum and at low temperatures, which preserves all the active and nutritional constituents of the plants (phytocomplex).

Intestinal flora health, Physical health
Food supplement based on fructose, glucose and mineral suitable for rehydrating the body, helping to restore the hydro-saline balance in the event of excessive loss of fluids (heavy sweating, etc...). Furthermore, vitamins B1 and B5 with manganese and copper contribute to normal energy metabolism whereas lactic acid bacteria (probiotics) and inulin (prebiotic soluble fibre) promote the balance of intestinal bacterial flora.
Intestinal flora health
Chicory is rich in inulin, a prebiotic fibre that supports regular bowel movements and, in combination with probiotic lactic cultures, helps maintain healthy balance of good gut flora. Maitake and shiitake also help support the body's natural defences.
Cell membrane health, Mental health
Herbal supplement enriched with vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. Phosphorus contributes to the normal function of cell membranes, promotes energy metabolism and keeps bones and teeth strong and healthy. Centella or Asian coinleaf helps memory and, combined with iron, zinc and iodine, promotes cognitive functions. Potassium, magnesium, copper, iodine, vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, C and biotin contribute to the proper functioning of the nervous system whereas vitamin B5 improves mental performance.
Gut health
Herbal supplement fortified with vitamins and other nutrients. Sacred bark promotes regularity of bowel movements and, in association with fennel, supports the digestive function. Furthermore, fennel promotes regular gastrointestinal motility and gas relief.
Respiratory system health
FUMVIS chewable
Licorice and adhatoda support fluidity of bronchial secretions and maintain healthy nose and throat. Benzoin exerts a balm-like effect and, in combination with peppermint, cajeput, niaouli and tea tree, promotes a normally functioning upper respiratory tract. Eucalyptus has an emollient and soothing effect on the oropharyngeal mucosa and maintains normal tone of voice.
Physical health
Herbal supplement enriched with vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. It contributes to connective tissue trophism, promoting healthy nails and hair. Calcium contributes to normal neurotransmission and muscle function and, with manganese, it supports normal energy metabolism and maintenance of normal bones. Moreover, zinc, manganese, copper, selenium and vitamins B2, C and E contribute to protecting cells from oxidative stress.
G.H. Plus OVER 30
Amino acid supplement with added minerals and rich in vitamins, especially B1, B2 and B6. Vitamin B1 contributes to normal heart function and with magnesium and vitamins B2, B3, B6, it helps the central nervous system work properly. Vitamin B2 assists with iron metabolism, combined with zinc it promotes the maintenance of healthy skin and normal vision, with zinc and vitamin C it contributes to protecting cells from oxidative stress. Vitamin B6 promotes the regulation of hormonal activity, the formation of normal red blood cells, the synthesis of cysteine and the metabolism of homocysteine, glycogen and proteins. All the vitamins contained, together with calcium, phosphorus and magnesium, support normal energy metabolism.
Mental health
GABA - pure
Alcohol-free liquid
GABA or gamma-aminobutyric acid supplement, useful if you intend to increase the intake of this nutrient in your diet.
Sulphur amino acid supplement, indicated in case you want to increase the intake of those nutrients in your diet.
Blood pressure, Gut health
Garlic supports normal cardiovascular function, maintaining healthy blood pressure levels. It also has an antioxidant activity and promotes triglyceride and cholesterol metabolism.
Elderly health, Women s health
Alcohol-free liquid
Food supplement made from glycerine macerate of fresh meristematic tissues, high in vitamins that all contribute to normal energy metabolism. In particular, vitamins B6, B12, and C support normal function of the immune system, and, along with vitamins B3 and B5, reduce tiredness and fatigue. Vitamin B3 contributes to the maintenance of normal skin, and vitamin B6 is involved in the regulation of hormonal activity. Furthermore, biotin contributes to the maintenance of hair health, while vitamin C protects cells from oxidative stress and promotes collagen formation, helping to maintain the normal functions of blood vessels, bones, cartilage, skin, teeth, and gums.
Body weight balance
Food supplement useful as adjuvant to a low-calorie formula diet for body weight loss. Glucomannan contributes to weight loss* and contributes to maintaining normal levels of cholesterol in the blood.** Phosphorus, vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, C and biotin promote energy metabolism. Beneficial effects obtainable with a daily intake of: * 3 g (in 3 doses of 1 g) / ** 4 g of glucomannan.
Glucomannan contributes to weight loss * and is useful as an adjuvant to low-calorie diets. In addition, it can contribute to maintaining normal blood cholesterol levels**.Beneficial effects achievable, according to the indicated usage methods, with the intake of: *at least 3 g of glucomannan per day in three doses of 1 g each within the context of a hypocaloric diet. **4 g of glucomannan per day.
Physical health
Food supplement made from glutamine, minerals and vitamins useful for supplementing the athlete's diet. Glutamine is an amino acid and as such is included in the composition of proteins. Proteins contribute to the growth and maintenance of muscle mass. Moreover, iron and vitamins B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, C and folic acid contribute to reducing tiredness and fatigue.
Glutathione and selenium supplement. Selenium, in particular, contributes to protecting cells from oxidative stress, supports normal thyroid function and the immune system, promotes normal spermatogenesis and helps maintain healthy nails and hair.
Detox and seasonal changes, Liver and biliary tract health
Food supplement containing glutathione, herbs, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. Artichoke, milk thistle and dandelion can support the body's natural cleansing functions and, in combination with boldus and choline, contribute to maintaining normal liver function. Zinc, manganese, copper, selenium and vitamins B2, C and E protect cells from oxidative stress.
Gut health
Senna, chicory, alder buckthorn and rhubarb promote normal bowel movements. Cinnamon, cloves and gentian contribute to relieving intestinal gas and promote digestive function.