Skin and connective tissue health

Skin and connective tissue health, Urinary tract health
G10+ LINGONBERRY (Vaccinium vitis-idaea)
Alcohol-free liquid
Detox and seasonal changes, Skin and connective tissue health
G10+ PLANE TREE (Platanus orientalis)
Alcohol-free liquid
Elderly health, Immune system, Skin and connective tissue health
G10+ WALNUT (Juglans regia)
Alcohol-free liquid
Skin and connective tissue health
Grape seeds, acerola, dog-rose, marigold, zinc, manganese, copper, selenium and vitamins B2, C and E can prevent the oxidative stress caused by UV rays. Zinc, iodine and vitamins A, B2, B3, C and biotin support skin wellness. In addition, copper can maintain normal skin pigmentation.
Skin and connective tissue health
Hyaluronic acid supplement fortified with minerals and vitamins. Copper, manganese and vitamins B2 and C help protect cells from oxidative stress. Copper helps maintain normal skin pigmentation and, combined with manganese, contributes to the connective tissue formation. Vitamin C supports collagen formation and, combined with zinc, biotin and vitamin B2, maintains normal skin health.
Hair, Nail health, Skin and connective tissue health
Supplement based on bovine gelatin, rich in proteins beneficial for the normal maintenance of bones and the growth of muscle mass.
Skin and connective tissue health
Alcohol-free liquid
Hydrolysed collagen supplement, fortified with minerals and vitamins. Vitamin C contributes to collagen production, useful to keep healthy skin, cartilage, bones, teeth and gums. Manganese and copper help maintain healthy connective tissues whereas zinc, vitamin B2 and biotin contribute to maintaining normal skin. Vitamin B6 supports the normal synthesis of cysteine and promotes normal metabolism of proteins and glycogen. Moreover, zinc, manganese, copper and vitamins B2 and C protect cells from oxidative stress.
Immune system, Skin and connective tissue health
Alcohol-free liquid
Manganese contributes to the maintenance of bones. In combination with copper, it promotes connective tissue production and protects cells from oxidative stress. Copper supports the transport of iron in the body, normal immune and nervous system function and helps maintain normal skin and hair pigmentation. In addition, manganese and copper promote energy metabolism.
Mental health, Skin and connective tissue health
MANGANESE Olimentovis
Alcohol-free liquid
Manganese promotes energy metabolism, contributes to bone maintenance, promotes connective tissue formation and protects cells from oxidative stress.
Cell membrane health, Omega-3s, Skin and connective tissue health
A food supplement based on vegetable oils naturally rich in unsaturated fatty acids (omega 3, 6 and 9), fortified with vitamins. Flax seed oil normalise lipid metabolism and, in combination with evening primrose, blackcurrant and borage oil, promotes cell membrane integrity and function. Furthermore, vitamin D has a role in the cell division process whereas vitamin E contributes to protecting cells from oxidative stress.
Skin and connective tissue health
PANSY Whole Extract
Alcohol-free liquid
Pansy promotes healthy skin and the body's normal cleansing functions, improves the fluidity of bronchial secretions and helps maintain normal joint function.
Skin and connective tissue health
POT MARIGOLD Whole Extrakt
Alcohol-free liquid
Calendula, or Pot Marigold, promotes skin trophism and health, performs an emollient and soothing action on the oropharyngeal mucosa improving vocal tone, counteracts menstruation complaints and helps keep your digestive system healthy.
Skin and connective tissue health
Glycine supplement, recommended if you want to increase this nutrient intake.
Antioxidants, Cell membrane health, Elderly health, Eye health, Immune system, Skin and connective tissue health
Vitamin A contributes to maintaining normal skin, mucous membranes and vision, promotes normal iron metabolism, it supports healthy function of the immune system and takes part in the cell specialization process.
Antioxidants, Elderly health, Immune system, Skin and connective tissue health
Dog rose, acerola and camu-camu are fruits naturally rich in vitamin C, which has multiple properties: it promotes energy metabolism reducing tiredness and fatigue; protects cells from oxidative stress and regenerates the reduced form of vitamin E; contributes to normal function of the immune system, the nervous and psychological system; promotes collagen production helping keep healthy blood vessels, bones, cartilage, skin, teeth and gums; increases iron absorption.
Skin and connective tissue health
SILICON Olimentovis
Alcohol-free liquid
Food supplement containing silicon and equisetum, a plant naturally rich in silicon in organic form. Horsetail promotes drainage of body fluids and helps your urinary tract function optimally. Moreover, it helps maintain healthy connective tissue trophism and is useful for healthy hair and nails. Choline contributes to normal homocysteine and lipid metabolism and supports healthy liver function.
Antioxidants, Skin and connective tissue health
Supplement based on plant extracts and nutrients with antioxidant properties. In particular, the extracts of dog rose, pomegranate, saffron marigold, blueberry, tomato, Scots pine, red vine and haematococcus exert beneficial antioxidant effects on the body. Zinc, manganese, copper, selenium and vitamins B2, C and E help protect cells from oxidative stress.
Skin and connective tissue health
Food supplement containing brewer's yeast, minerals and vitamins. Zinc, iodine, vitamins A, B2, B3, C and biotin help maintain healthy skin. Zinc, selenium and biotin can help you keep healthy hair whereas copper contributes to the normal pigmentation of skin and hair.