
Intestinal flora health
Supplement of prebiotic fibres, such as inulin, fructo-oligosaccharides, and probiotic lactic acid bacteria, all useful for maintaining a healthy balance of gut flora.
Intestinal flora health, Physical health
Food supplement based on fructose, glucose and mineral suitable for rehydrating the body, helping to restore the hydro-saline balance in the event of excessive loss of fluids (heavy sweating, etc...). Furthermore, vitamins B1 and B5 with manganese and copper contribute to normal energy metabolism whereas lactic acid bacteria (probiotics) and inulin (prebiotic soluble fibre) promote the balance of intestinal bacterial flora.
Intestinal flora health
LACTOVIS Prebiotic and Probiotic
Chicory is rich in inulin, a prebiotic fibre that supports regular bowel movements and, in combination with probiotic lactic cultures, helps maintain healthy balance of good gut flora.
Intestinal flora health
Chicory is rich in inulin, a prebiotic fibre that supports regular bowel movements and, in combination with probiotic lactic cultures, helps maintain healthy balance of good gut flora. Maitake and shiitake also help support the body's natural defences.
Bone and teeth health, Intestinal flora health, Mouth/breath health
Food supplement based on probiotic yeasts useful for enhancing intestinal flora balance.
Intestinal flora health
SUPREME PROBIOTICS (lactic cultures) - chewable
Food supplement in chewable tablets, based on 20 probiotic lactic acid bacteria, with prebiotics (inulin) and all the vitamins. Probiotic lactic cultures, combined with inulin, a prebiotic fibre, play a role in balancing intestinal bacterial flora. Moreover, vitamins A, B6, B12, C, D and folic acid contribute to a normally functioning immune system. Vitamins B2, B6, B12 and folic acid were used in their already activated form.