
Circulation health
Butcher's broom, Asian coinleaf, blueberry and red vine help relieve a feeling of heaviness in the legs and, in combination with horse chestnut and sweet clover, support the microcirculatory function. Butcher’s broom, witch hazel and sweet clover sustain the haemorrhoidal plexus function, and, in combination with yarrow, support the venous circulation function.
Circulation health
Herbal supplement fortified with vitamins and other nutrients. Butcher's broom and sweet clover, in combination with horse chestnut bark, support microcirculatory function and, combined with witch hazel, stimulate the venous circulation and the haemorrhoidal plexus function. Marshmallow and fenugreek exert an emollient and soothing action useful for the digestive tract overall health. Moreover, witch hazel, horse chestnut, marshmallow, dog-rose and cinnamon support normal bowel movements and fenugreek, ginger, dill, green anise, fennel and garden angelica contribute to the digestive process.
Circulation health
Food supplement made from herbs, minerals, vitamins, and other nutrients. Pineapple, asian coinleaf, butcher’s broom, red vine and blueberry fruits can help reduce the feeling of heaviness in the legs and, combined with horse chestnut, promote microcirculation function. Ginger supports normal blood flow and butcher’s broom promotes healthy vein function and circulation. Vitamin C contributes to collagen formation useful for normal function of blood vessels and vitamin B1 maintains normal cardiac function.
Circulation health, Elderly health, Homocysteine
Alcohol-free liquid
Magnesium helps reduce tiredness and fatigue, promoting energy metabolism. It supports the nervous system function and maintains normal psychological functions. It is essential for the normal cell division processes, supports electrolyte balance, protein synthesis, normal muscle function, bone and tooth health. Folic acid promotes the synthesis of amino acids and of all blood cells (hematopoiesis), and takes part in the cell division process. Vitamin C contributes to maintaining normal function of the immune system during and after an intense physical effort*, as well as the formation of collagen for the normal function of blood vessels, bones, cartilages, gums, skin and teeth. It promotes the protection of cells from oxidative stress, the regeneration of the reduced form of vitamin E and enhances iron absorption. Vitamin B12 supports the normal formation of red blood cells, whereas vitamin B6 contributes to the normal synthesis of cysteine, to the normal metabolism of proteins and glycogen and to hormonal activity regulation. *The beneficial effect is obtained with a daily intake of 200 mg of vitamin C in addition to the recommended daily intake.